Stock Market Investing


To Invest in Property or Stocks: 10 things to consider

A common dilemma many people face: to invest in property or stocks? You are in the fortunate position of having an emergency fund saved and some excess cash. What to do with it? On the one hand, you have people who swear by real estate. The stock market is just fancy gambling, they say. Bricks …

To Invest in Property or Stocks: 10 things to consider Read More »


Should I invest with Stashaway?

Investing can seem convoluted and risky before you get started. There is so much information – what are stocks, equities and bonds? Which ‘stocks’ should I invest in? What platform should I use? What do all these little squiggly lines mean? What is the S&P 500? The Dow Jones and the London Stock Exchange? Should …

Should I invest with Stashaway? Read More »