Expat Saving


What’s the best way to transfer money internationally?

One of the most frequently asked questions of expats is ‘what’s the best way to transfer money internationally?’ Expats earning in different currencies than their home currency may have to send money home to support family or meet financial obligations in their home country. In addition, people earning in currencies such as the UAE Dirham …

What’s the best way to transfer money internationally? Read More »


Expats more prone to money-related mental health issues

You probably left your home country to work as an expat for a higher salary, better employment package and quality of life and to experience a new culture. However, mental health concerns such as loneliness and homesickness quickly led to behaviour that increases the likelihood of financial stress. You spend more, and you aren’t sure …

Expats more prone to money-related mental health issues Read More »


could tracking expenses be your fast track to wealth?

Have you ever looked at your bank balance towards the end of the month and asked where did all my money go? I know I have…too many times. You can’t remember anything substantial that you bought, and other than paying bills, you’re not sure where your hard-earned money went. Come to think of it, am …

could tracking expenses be your fast track to wealth? Read More »


7 tips for budgeting as a multicultural couple

Adding a partner to budgeting adds a layer of complexity in itself – now you have another person’s money beliefs, needs, goals and habits to consider when you go about managing your money. As money is still such a taboo subject for so many people, discussing it can be awkward and challenging for many couples, …

7 tips for budgeting as a multicultural couple Read More »


Should I invest with Stashaway?

Investing can seem convoluted and risky before you get started. There is so much information – what are stocks, equities and bonds? Which ‘stocks’ should I invest in? What platform should I use? What do all these little squiggly lines mean? What is the S&P 500? The Dow Jones and the London Stock Exchange? Should …

Should I invest with Stashaway? Read More »


10 tips to make financial leaps at any time of year

How are your new year’s resolutions going? Studies show that up to 80% of people give up their promises to themselves by February. If that’s you, don’t despair! The good news is that you can make a change any time; it just takes a decision, some planning, and sometimes a bit of guidance. Here is …

10 tips to make financial leaps at any time of year Read More »